Saturday, July 23, 2016


     After watching Rudy Giuliani's speech this past week at the Republican National Convention, it reminded me of what can be done in our large cities. Giuliani made a big difference in crime when he was mayor of New York City.

      Then it dawned on me that a city like Chicago and others have the highest murder rate in this country. It is fact that most large cities are run by Democrats and yet the crime rates continue to increase and never seem to get better. 

      When you take Chicago, a city with a close pal of Obama's, run by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, it has one of thee highest murder rates in the country.  If Rudy could do it why can't Obama's buddy Emanuel do it. It couldn't be because you don't want to upset your CONSTITUENTS! No! Instaed of showing a little "tough love" on occasion, it is better to let the CONSTITUENTS kill one another. Or, just blame the cops, especially if they are white and when they shoot a CONSTITUENT!  

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