Thursday, July 21, 2016


       At least I got your attention. No,I was never any kind of celebrity, but, I had some fun during the 1980's when I did a few commercials and advertisement spots. It all started when my ex-wife, May, worked for a Production Company in Des Moines that made commercials and advertisements for all sorts of companies in the area. 

          One of the first ads that I did had something to do with being at the same old boring job and how this particular Employment could help with a new career. The Production Company called on me to be the guy to be sitting at this desk looking bored with cob webs on and all around me. They had this machine that would make cob web looking stuff. It took forever, but, was fun!

        Another "shoot" involved several of us acting as couples and eating at a trendy restaurant at the time called Jimmie's American Cafe in West Des Moines. It took most of the day to complete the TV commercial, but, also fun except Jimmie didn't pay for our lunch!

        There were others through this Production Company, but, my biggest claim to fame involved a "shoot" directly through Better Homes & Gardens who was the franchiser of the Real Estate Company, 1ST Realty, that I was an Associate. They needed someone at this home site in Des Moines to act as a real estate agent shaking hands with a couple who who acted as happy buyers and who had just purchased this lovely home standing by a "SOLD" sign.

       I just happened to be someone in the West Des Moines office at the time with a suit and tie on. I went to the site and the photographer from BH&G. The guy must have shot 3 rolls of film just to get one shot of us shaking hands after the sale.But, my kisser was on and in every "Listing Brochure" that was printed for the entire USA.    

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