Sunday, July 17, 2016


       This past week I put a list of the top songs in 1962.  We all have our favorite time or decade of music and that it only natural depending usually on our age. My favorite decade for music is the late 1970's because I was single at the time and saw a lot of the groups at that time.

       However, the reason I think the 1950's and 60's were so great was from the standpoint of dancing. That period so many great songs were written and made popular to dance to and special types of dances. Examples were the Twist, The Stroll, The Chicken, Watusi, The Mashed Potato, Monster Mash, The Stripper(hey hey), The Limbo, and one of my all time favorites-The Locomotion by Little Eva!

       It doesn't seem that many "specialty" songs with new ways to dance have been introduced too much since. Ah, the good old days!

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