Sunday, July 31, 2016


      After I returned from Washington this past Friday, I did relax alittle before heading to Cedar Rapids and attending the Tournament of Drums in Cedar Rapids at Kingston Stadium.

      My main reason for attending was that I had heard how fantastic the Genesis Drum and Bugle Corps from Austin, Texas would be. They were very talented as was the group from Wisconsin that led off the evenings entertainment. However!

       First of all I was prepared for these groups to come out from one of the entrances with some type of explosion and enter with a fast pace march while going into a formation of some type and going from there. They just walked on and set up in the middle of the football field and started from there.

       The fast and constant cadence of the drums became tiring after a while. Maybe it is like getting too much of a good thing. I decided I really enjoy more an entire band complete with saxophones, clarinets, tubas, and all the rest that you expect in a marching band. I guess I have been spoiled by the Iowa Hawkeye Marching band at football games.

     Another factor that entered in was that I used to love watching years ago at Thanksgiving the Grambling vs, Southern football game. I watched it not for the football game, but, because these two Southern Black Universities had great bands and they could move and march with such speed and movement that no White marching band could compare.

       I know I am an Odd Duck, but, so shoot me. It's like I like Black Gospel for the same reason. Tuttie Fruttie was not the same with Pat Boone as Little Richard. You get the picture. Those young kids did do their very best, but, I am still glad I left at intermission so I could be home before dark!


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