Saturday, July 30, 2016


     In searching for a family memory, I ran across an old Autograph Book that my mother had when she was in 7th Grade, dated February 11, 1926. There was a time that these Autograph Books were popular either around  graduation time, end of a school year, or a Holiday. 

feb 26, 1926
Laurel, Iowa

Dear Sister, 
 Out in the ocean deep and blue,
Remember dear sister that I loved you. 

                       Lovingly your,

*****Arnold was my mothers youngest brother and was approx. eight years old at the time. 


feb, 11, 1926
Laurel, Iowa

Dear Sister:

Remember dear May 
in after years when this you see
that it was I Vivian that wrote
this in your book.

                          your sister(Vivian)


Dear friend

    The world goes up,
and the world goes down
The sunshine follows the rain
And yesterday's sneer and 
yesterday's frown can never 
come over again

Your Loving Friend, Bill Stewart

**Bill was one of Mom's closest friends in school


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