Thursday, July 14, 2016


       The other day while talking to Tony about the "old days," he did bring up the fact that at one point in school he remembered being the shortest kid in our class and was tied with Donna Ingraham. In an old football program when we were freshman, Tony was listed at 105 pounds. And, we had to practice against the likes of Johnny Smith who weighed in at 190 pounds and worse yet was Gene Determan who weighed over 200 pounds. It should have been illegal to been on the same field as those HUGE SENIORS! I think I lied somehow about my weight just to have it shown as 150.

       One of the funniest memories about Tony and his height was when our baseball coach wanted to get an easy run on base, he would put Tony in and have him bend down so that his strike zone would almost be non-existent. Not many opposing pitchers could hit a strike zone of just a few inches. Tony always walked to first! His size did pay off! 

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