Monday, July 18, 2016


      Yesterday, Sunday the 17th of July, I drove up to rural Laurel to visit my cousin Alan Laverty. It really hit me when driving west from Newburg and straight west over to highway 14 before heading north to Alan's.

         With all our blessed rain this past week or two everything has greened up beautifully and it was such a delight to view. The stretch west of Newburg was lined with beautiful tall corn. To the south and left I could witness rolling hills down and back up to a huge stand of trees. To the north and right I could see all the way to Laurel and beyond with all the dozens of turbines dotting the landscape.

          And, what was also worth noting was the fact that all that distance I only met one car. Just one. I don't know where you live, but, it was a pleasure to enjoy the experience of the drive and the scenery pretty much alone. I loved it!   

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