Wednesday, July 13, 2016


         Lately, I have been doing a little down-sizing and consolidating here and there and ran across a newspaper clipping from high school days at good old Laurel Consolidated School. It was about a football game that we played against Melbourne back in 1960. Fortunately for us, after a a close game, we pulled it out 33-20.

       In the article of the game, it was brought out that after a long drive by Laurel and scoring a touchdown, "Tony Preston, who filled in capably for the injured Dennis Laverty,added the extra point!" I did call Tony at his home in Prescott, Arizona, and teased him about taking issue with his being able to fill in for me. 

     Believe me and all joking aside, Tony could fill in for any body, any time. When I called him this past week he had just come in from playing tennis. And, I am sure everyone has read the story I told on my Blog about Tony injuring his hip while throwing a guy out in a double play in a softball game just two years ago!

         My personal best story about Tony was when in our Senior year his family moved to Melbourne. In the football game with Melbourne that year Tony became our adversary. On one play where I was in the open and going for a touchdown I could see Tony gaining on me out of the corner of my eye. I knew if he got to me he was like a human "torpedo!" Sure enough he latched on and tackled me. He got up after the tackle, helped me up and said "Nice run Dennis and I in turn said Nice Tackle Tony!" There will always be only one Tony Preston!

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