Saturday, July 2, 2016


       One of the advantages or disadvantages in working at a grocery store is all the ideas for meal planning in not only the inventory around you, but, what you see that customers are buying and getting meal tips from them.

      To give you an idea of this, yesterday, a lady bought a package of frozen spinach. The obvious answer to why she was purchasing it was for spinach dip. My brain and in collaboration with my stomach came up with a spinach quiche! I know that does non't compare with burgers, brats, hot dogs, and so on for the perfect 4th of July meal. 

       Keep in mind that there are two or three more days and/or meals left in the Holiday week-end! Since it is just me making the meal decisions I generally go with I feel like having at the time. Even if it not the season and a hot day my TEAM may say to go for "Chili." It isn't always about what is expected or traditional! No Sir! Who knows. Tomorrow it may be sweet corn and a burger. Have a Happy 4th!


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