Sunday, July 31, 2016


      I would like to share a couple more entries from my mom's 7th grade Autograph Book dated 7/11/1926.

feb. 12-1926

Dear May

      be a good little girl
      eat lots of pickles
      and marry a man 
      with lots of nickles

                 your schoolmate
                 Lowell Spence


feb. 19 1926

Dear May

     I wish you happy
     I wish you joy
     I wish you had a baby 
     boy, but when its hair 
     begins to curl, I wish
     it were a baby girl.

                         Your friend

                         Margery? Halverson "Toots"


feb 24 1926

Dear Doris May

Labor to keep alive in 
your breast that little
spark of celestial fire
called conscience.

     Your Mother

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