Saturday, July 23, 2016


        A lady came into the Burg Grocery this past week and hosting a large number of her grand-kids for the week. She seemed to be taking it in stride even though it sounded like she was keeping an eye on at least eight of her crew!

       It reminded me of a time when four of my grand-kids would come up for a week-end stay. Being fairly well organized, I usually could keep the event at least to a small roar! The one situation that I did learn to change was that last morning breakfast. 

        At first I would have that "Big" Grandpa cooked breakfast on the morning when the kids were getting ready to head home. It initially didn't work too well trying to prepare a big breakfast and getting the kids clothes packed and not forgetting anything. Of course,my other big mistake was thinking I had to clear off dishes and put all in the dish washer.

    It didn't take me long to simply have my big breakfast on the first morning and then simply go to  somewhere like Mickey D's on the morning of departure. I am sure most single grandparents would have handled it differently. But, for me once I changed the routine my stress level diminished to near zero!  

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