Sunday, July 3, 2016


       I thought it was only appropriate that this morning I sail down to Coralville and take in the movie Independence Day-Resurgence just because I hadn't been to a movie lately(one reason not any good movies since Spring except those for kids.) and being a movie junkie had to do it. 

        It is a good deal as you can take in a flick in the AM for only $5.00. Such a deal! I do love sci-fi movies, but, something told me I would be disappointed in this one. I was! The  only word I can use to describe it was PREPOSTEROUS! It went way beyond space/sci-fi logic! Oh, well. Win some! Lose some!

       Half way through the movie and because with all the action I was actually getting bored. I thought I would go against my golden rule and at least get a small popcorn to tied me over till I got home for lunch. I ask to see what the smallest popcorn was and how much it would be. The kid behind the counter showed me this little blue sack and replied that it would be $6.00! Not kidding! I know they could have heard me at the other end of the Mall(and it's the biggest Mall in Iowa)when I said "WHAT!" I know they are probably used to old people and their response, but, who cares what they think!

      The really funny thing or not is that the biggest TUB of popcorn ONLY costs you $8.00! What a bargain. It is great logic because you probably are happy to pay just $8.00 for all that popcorn after comparing it to that hand full of kernels in that small blue sack. I just walked away mumbling something like-"I would rather starve first before---!"  Is this a great country or what! Happy 4th of July! 

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