Saturday, July 30, 2016


       I have said for years  that I thought I would enjoy going into a town where RAGBRAI is headed to next and drive in from the opposite direction earlier in the morning and before the riders get there. My real intention would be to check out where all the good food is being "dished up" and then stick around and do a little mingling. 

         That's is exactly what I did yesterday Friday, 7/29/2016. I drove down from Williamsburg to Washingtown, Iowa around 9AM  and found an easy parking spot just off the town square. After getting out of my car I was greeted by a Senior Greek man standing in front of the pizza place he was working at or owned. He was originally from Athens. Only in America could you meet a Greek at an Italian eatery in an  Amish area of Iowa.  All the vendors were setting up with various eating delights along with at least three different stages for entertainment.

         For most of the remaining morning I just walked around or just sat in one of the numerous benches dotting the downtown square. Sometimes it can be so enjoyable just sitting, watching people and relaxing with nothing to necessarily do or anywhere to go. 

       A church group were selling pies and much more in a location on the square and I decided prior to noon to have a little dessert before my Main Course! I must say that was one of the best cherry pies and a scoop of home-made vanilla ice-cream enjoyed in some time. Around noon, a Vendor on the square from Danville, Iowa called PIG OUT caught my attention. I sat down to one of the juiciest and tenderest pork brisket sandwiches that I have ever savored! Oh, did I say that the sky was overcast, the temperature in the low 70's and a slight breeze.A perfect morning. 

        By the time I was done eating, a lot of bike riders were coming in from the west and their last destination, Ottumwa. After a little more afternoon people watching, I hitched up my Blaze and headed east out of town, over through Ainsworth, then north on highway 27 (Avenue of the Saints) and a different way back home to the Burg. It was an enjoyable and relaxing morning. Just the way I had always wanted to do my minor bucket list encounter! 

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