Thursday, July 14, 2016


       A couple of boys waived off their 3 cents worth of change the other day at the Burg Grocery. It sprung to mind a funny incident when a classmate of mine at Laurel, Tracy Miiller, and I encountered while having a soda at Zeno's Pizza in Marshalltown back in the early 1960's.

       The waitress at the time, to us, was a real "Cuttie" and we were smitten by her. I don't know why we just had a beverage and no pizza, but, our entire tab for the two cola's didn't come to $1.00.
But, playing these two big spenders from Laurel, we left her a whole $1.00 tip. A whopping 100% gratuity! We never knew if she was all that impressed as we never saw her in there again. 

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