Tuesday, July 19, 2016


       Yesterday, Sunday July 17, 2016,  I drove up to rural Laurel to visit my cousin Alan Laverty. I do enjoy visiting with him about some memories that we share, but, most from ago and usually of mutual interest. Today was no exception.

       Most times we get around to the Iowa Hawkeyes as we both are considered Hawkeyes as was Alan's dad, Paul Laverty, and my dad and Paul's brother, John Laverty. Somehow this day we got into when George Ravling was the basketball coach at Iowa.

      Most fans would agree that Ravling wasn't that great a coach, but, was a very good recruiter. Also, a lot of people didn't like the fact that he wore "Sweat Suits" rather than the traditional suits like most coaches still wear today. I disagreed with Alan on that observation in that I thought it did make sense to wear something like he did as it is a very "sweaty" business. Why wear a very expensive suit just to hug a bunch of guys dripping in sweat. Coaches don't wear suits in other sports!

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