Sunday, July 31, 2016


       Again, one reason why I love about working part-time at the Burg Grocery is meeting interesting people from time to time. This past week was no exception. A young man and three of his young children came into the store. 

       I helped them out with their groceries and immediately when he spoke, I knew he was not from around here. The only thing missing in his dialect or accent was "Ya You Betcha!" He was from Fargo.North Dakota, ya, and he was here to attend a softball tournament in Kalona, Iowa. 

       I love listening to different accents from around the country and I wish I could have engaged in more of a conversation with him. My only thing I could think of to tell him as they left was that "Fargo" is my favorite movie! I am sure he thought I was a real idiot! Ya You Betcha!

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