Thursday, July 14, 2016


        Back in the 1980's while selling real estate in the Des Moines area, my ex, May,  and I would go to the Plaza Shopping area in Kansas City when it was felt to get away from the real estate scene. It was hard to just stick around Des Moines because normally if the phone rang you were off showing homes to a potential buyer. It was hard to get away from the business unless you got out of town. 

     A restaurant that was one of our favorite's at the time in the Plaza was called "Harry Starker's." It was a very nice restaurant and they also had  live entertainment that played nightly. But, it was always busy and generally there was quite a wait (up to an hour) and it was cocktail time in the lounge while you waited.

         One night, and I don't know what possessed me, I went in to check on the progress of the "list" for our dinner reservation. For some reason (the devil made me do it) I asked the hostess if the reservation for "DOCTOR LAVERTY" was ready? I was no more than back to my table and they called my name--"Dr. Laverty your table for two is ready!" I never did that again, but, it does make you wonder about life being fair!

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