Tuesday, July 19, 2016


      This past Thursday, July 14, 2016, For the first time in my adult life I attended a county fair. This time it was the Iowa County Fair in Marengo, Iowa. The last time I attended a true county fair was when I was kid and showing calves in 4-H at the Marshall County Fair in Marshalltown, Iowa back in the late 1950's. Technically I did attend one county fair years ago near Buffalo, New York while visiting old college classmates. I didn't really consider it a county fair as their daily attendance was bigger than our Iowa State Fair. Plus, it even had a double mid-way. 

       Living in Des Moines for many years, I never missed the Iowa State Fair and still attend at least once still to this day. So,  my first surprise was that I didn't have to pay to park nor pay to actually get in. Compared to the State Fair I was already $15-$20 ahead. This particular afternoon, there were probably more vendors and participants than spectators. 

       During the dairy livestock judging, it gave me a good feeling to be witnessing young people showing their "pride and joy" with all the hard work that is involved. The same was true at the Horse Show a little later that afternoon. It was a touching experience all the way around seeing this way of life in action and the fact that I too could share their experience. 

       The only thing I didn't attend this day was the Pie/Baking Contest Auction. By that time I was tired and ready to head home. Maybe next time. One reminder of the day and age we live in was seeing a huge 9000 series John Deere tractor sitting in the center of the fair setting long with this huge attached planter. There had to be $600,000-$800,000 worth of equipment sitting there! I would do it again! 


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