Sunday, July 31, 2016



       1. General Mills -sales 1967-1968

        2. Allied Mutual Insurance Company- Casualty Commercial Underwriter  Des Moines Iowa 1968-1976

        3. First Realty/ Better Homes & Gardens-Residential Real Estate Sales Associate 1976-1994

         4. Operated and owned largest Residential Cleaning/ Window Cleaning operation in Marshalltown, Iowa 1994-2012.

         5. Retired to Williamsburg, Iowa. 2012-present(2016)




       1. Attended Laurel Consolidated School from Kindergarten (1949) through twelve grade and graduated in 1962.

        2. Attended Marshalltown Community College and received AA degree 1962-1964

        3. Attended Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa and received degree in Business/Marketing BA. 1964-1967.




      1. Laurel School days-Boy Scouts, 4-H, lettered in football, baseball, and various musical groups  including chorus, quartet, & solo singing.

       2. Two term elected President of the Enterprise Breakfast Club (a reciprocal business group)

       3. Member of Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity while attending Drake University.

       4. Two term elected President of Real Estate Associate members at First Realty.

       5. Avid traveler of the USA.

      6. Enjoyed cooking and dining out.

      7. Passion for writing of Personal and Family Related Short Stories. Also, taught classes throughout Central Iowa on Motivating Seniors in writing. Started

       8. Long time Iowa Hawkeye supporter and season ticket holder in football.

       9. Chicago Cubs fan (attended 1st night game at Wrigley Field 8/9/1988.)

      10. Member Laurel United Methodist Church

      11. Rock & Roll enthusiast and love of dancing and Broadway musicals. 

      12. Love of family activities most of all.

      13. Snow skiing with children in Colorado.


      Through the years, I always had a problem with the homes I lived in because the dining rooms were never large enough. Nothing could compare to the dining room size in the home where I grew up. Nothing!

       At Christmas time the huge dining room table with two or three leaves would hold 10 to 12 people easily with a card table or two off to the side for the kids. That room was the hub when relatives came for a Holiday event. Some might say that the real action was in the kitchen where most of the ladies were preparing those many feasts, but, not to me.

       The east side of this room was the opening to the living room with its oak pocket doors that normally remained open until closed on cold winter spells to preserve the heat. To the south was an  expansive picture window with a bench seat the length of the room except for the door in the southeast corner that went out to the enclosed porch on the south side of the house.

       The west wall was a built-in China hutch reserved for finer dishes and glasses and then the pass-through counter to the kitchen and below built-in drawers which kept games and all sort of things.

       The north wall held a long wood buffet which also held fine china and glasses and held plates of prepared foods during those special meals. Above it was a long ornate framed mirror that provided added depth and perception to the all ready over-sized room. On either side was one door (left( that went back to a bedroom, later used as a TV room. And, to the right side of the north wall was another door that led to a hallway and stairs to the second level. 

       During the winter, this room carries the fondest of memories. We would close off the living room and the front bedroom by closing the pocket doors and basically shutting down the house to two main rooms-the dining room and kitchen including the bathroom.  With all the glass too the south, the dining room would obviously, on a sunny day, be the coziest room in the winter.

       Many a day when we were snowed in, I remember playing Chinese Checkers to pass the time. Also, for a while our early TV was put in the dining room in the southeast corner. I still fondly remember watching Davy Crockett series with Fess Parker as Davy from that room. With all the family meals shared and enjoyed there and those fond memories of snowed in days, it will always be my favorite!


      I would like to share a couple more entries from my mom's 7th grade Autograph Book dated 7/11/1926.

feb. 12-1926

Dear May

      be a good little girl
      eat lots of pickles
      and marry a man 
      with lots of nickles

                 your schoolmate
                 Lowell Spence


feb. 19 1926

Dear May

     I wish you happy
     I wish you joy
     I wish you had a baby 
     boy, but when its hair 
     begins to curl, I wish
     it were a baby girl.

                         Your friend

                         Margery? Halverson "Toots"


feb 24 1926

Dear Doris May

Labor to keep alive in 
your breast that little
spark of celestial fire
called conscience.

     Your Mother


      After I returned from Washington this past Friday, I did relax alittle before heading to Cedar Rapids and attending the Tournament of Drums in Cedar Rapids at Kingston Stadium.

      My main reason for attending was that I had heard how fantastic the Genesis Drum and Bugle Corps from Austin, Texas would be. They were very talented as was the group from Wisconsin that led off the evenings entertainment. However!

       First of all I was prepared for these groups to come out from one of the entrances with some type of explosion and enter with a fast pace march while going into a formation of some type and going from there. They just walked on and set up in the middle of the football field and started from there.

       The fast and constant cadence of the drums became tiring after a while. Maybe it is like getting too much of a good thing. I decided I really enjoy more an entire band complete with saxophones, clarinets, tubas, and all the rest that you expect in a marching band. I guess I have been spoiled by the Iowa Hawkeye Marching band at football games.

     Another factor that entered in was that I used to love watching years ago at Thanksgiving the Grambling vs, Southern football game. I watched it not for the football game, but, because these two Southern Black Universities had great bands and they could move and march with such speed and movement that no White marching band could compare.

       I know I am an Odd Duck, but, so shoot me. It's like I like Black Gospel for the same reason. Tuttie Fruttie was not the same with Pat Boone as Little Richard. You get the picture. Those young kids did do their very best, but, I am still glad I left at intermission so I could be home before dark!



       Again, one reason why I love about working part-time at the Burg Grocery is meeting interesting people from time to time. This past week was no exception. A young man and three of his young children came into the store. 

       I helped them out with their groceries and immediately when he spoke, I knew he was not from around here. The only thing missing in his dialect or accent was "Ya You Betcha!" He was from Fargo.North Dakota, ya, and he was here to attend a softball tournament in Kalona, Iowa. 

       I love listening to different accents from around the country and I wish I could have engaged in more of a conversation with him. My only thing I could think of to tell him as they left was that "Fargo" is my favorite movie! I am sure he thought I was a real idiot! Ya You Betcha!


      I don't agree with President Obama on much, but, I have said for years that we should have re-established relations with the this nearby country. Of course the Republicans were screaming bloody murder. And, yet when it appears that Trump is snuggling up to the Russians the Democrats are also screaming FOUL! Shouldn't we always be reaching out to better relations with most of the countries that appear to be our enemies. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!" 

Saturday, July 30, 2016


     In searching for a family memory, I ran across an old Autograph Book that my mother had when she was in 7th Grade, dated February 11, 1926. There was a time that these Autograph Books were popular either around  graduation time, end of a school year, or a Holiday. 

feb 26, 1926
Laurel, Iowa

Dear Sister, 
 Out in the ocean deep and blue,
Remember dear sister that I loved you. 

                       Lovingly your,

*****Arnold was my mothers youngest brother and was approx. eight years old at the time. 


feb, 11, 1926
Laurel, Iowa

Dear Sister:

Remember dear May 
in after years when this you see
that it was I Vivian that wrote
this in your book.

                          your sister(Vivian)


Dear friend

    The world goes up,
and the world goes down
The sunshine follows the rain
And yesterday's sneer and 
yesterday's frown can never 
come over again

Your Loving Friend, Bill Stewart

**Bill was one of Mom's closest friends in school


ANNIE MC MULLEN by Alexandra Arges

     Going through the family archives this AM, 7/30/2016, I ran across a piece written by my niece Alex Arges, the daughter of my sister Deborah, when she was quite young. 


by Alexandra Arges

Annie McMullen was twenty-five years old when she came to America. She came to America from Ireland with her mother , Jane, and her younger brother, Sammy. Sammy was about twelve or thirteen at the time. They came to America in 1908 by ship. The family rode in steerage. Steerage is the lower portion of the boat where there are cattle and other livestock. The McMullen family rode there because it was the cheapest fare.
 Prior to coming to America, Annie's dad, William John, died of pneumonia. He got sick after walking from his house to a small village called Ahoghill. Ahoghill is located in County Antrim in Northern Ireland. So Annie's dad could not come with them. 

When the McMullens came to America they settled in Iowa. They came to Iowa because Annie's older sister, Rachel, was living there (Gilman) with her husband. 

Annie McMullen got a job as a maid in Central Iowa. Later she met Thomas Laverty at an Irish get-together. They got married in 1910 and began their life together on the family farm. Annie and Thomas later had three sons. One of them was William John Laverty, my grandfather.

Information provided by: Doris Laverty Eddy (my aunt)


       I have said for years  that I thought I would enjoy going into a town where RAGBRAI is headed to next and drive in from the opposite direction earlier in the morning and before the riders get there. My real intention would be to check out where all the good food is being "dished up" and then stick around and do a little mingling. 

         That's is exactly what I did yesterday Friday, 7/29/2016. I drove down from Williamsburg to Washingtown, Iowa around 9AM  and found an easy parking spot just off the town square. After getting out of my car I was greeted by a Senior Greek man standing in front of the pizza place he was working at or owned. He was originally from Athens. Only in America could you meet a Greek at an Italian eatery in an  Amish area of Iowa.  All the vendors were setting up with various eating delights along with at least three different stages for entertainment.

         For most of the remaining morning I just walked around or just sat in one of the numerous benches dotting the downtown square. Sometimes it can be so enjoyable just sitting, watching people and relaxing with nothing to necessarily do or anywhere to go. 

       A church group were selling pies and much more in a location on the square and I decided prior to noon to have a little dessert before my Main Course! I must say that was one of the best cherry pies and a scoop of home-made vanilla ice-cream enjoyed in some time. Around noon, a Vendor on the square from Danville, Iowa called PIG OUT caught my attention. I sat down to one of the juiciest and tenderest pork brisket sandwiches that I have ever savored! Oh, did I say that the sky was overcast, the temperature in the low 70's and a slight breeze.A perfect morning. 

        By the time I was done eating, a lot of bike riders were coming in from the west and their last destination, Ottumwa. After a little more afternoon people watching, I hitched up my Blaze and headed east out of town, over through Ainsworth, then north on highway 27 (Avenue of the Saints) and a different way back home to the Burg. It was an enjoyable and relaxing morning. Just the way I had always wanted to do my minor bucket list encounter! 


       One thing I have always noticed since moving into this area is the following. The town Frytown sounds like, to me, a nick-name for a town like Swingtown in the old rock hit by The Steve Miller Band. There is a stretch of road called the Black Diamond Road and heading down to Frytown you take the Orval Yoder Turnpike. Why call a two lane paved road out in the middle of nowhere a Turnpike?

       It was like years ago living in West Des Moines and not knowing why the street my office was on was called E. P.True Parkway. Because E. P.True was a city councilman at one time. I knew I was getting closer to Kalona as I was dodging horse "droppings" along the way. And, just north of Kalona I must have seen at least 3 or 4 horse and buggy rigs being driven by Amish or Mennonite folks. It beats just driving boring old I-80!


     On the way to Washington, Iowa for the RAGBRAI festivities, I cut down through Parnell over and then down through an incorporated town called Frytown just a few miles north of Kalona. While driving through this spot in the road I looked over and saw a Telephone booth sitting just off the highway.  Inside the booth and appeared to be talking on a phone was what also appeared to be a young Amish or Mennonite boy complete with flat hat and overalls. I didn't come back the same way or I would have checked it out again. Maybe I just went through the Twilight Zone! 

Friday, July 29, 2016


         I have always wanted to drive into a RAGBRAI town from the back-side and scope out the town and what's happening, especially, the eats. I'll be passing along my experience Saturday along with my attending the Tournament of Drums featuring the Genesis  Drum and Bugle Corp. This should be a fun day.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


       I was watching an old re-run of Johnny Carson last night and Bob Uecker, longtime Milwaukee baseball broadcaster, was a guest. Talking about baseball, he mentioned that at one time attendance was so bad due to the Cleveland Indians bad record that as a fan "Youcould have your own VENDOR!" The guy was funny!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


      For years I have gone to sleep with my TV on in my bedroom. The show that has put me to sleep is on HLN called "Forensic Files" narrated by Peter Thomas. His voice is soothing and I could even turn away from the TV and just listen to it like a radio broadcast. Some nights I could go to sleep fairly quickly and some nights it would take me an entire show or two or three!

         Since I am now down to one TV and it is in my living room, I no longer go to bed with the TV on. It took me about a week to acclimate, but, now I go in about 10:30 or 11:00 PM and within 5-10 minutes I am out like a light. I have to admit that I am getting, I'm sure, a much better nights sleep! If I am smart I will never get a TV back in my bedroom. 


         As a political junkie, I have been watching this PM the news cable stations carrying all the latest National Democratic Convention happenings. While watching FOX, a commercial come on about Cialis. A voice comes on and says something about how you don't want to take a pill-------"When a Woman Turns Romantic!"

       I don't think I can ever recall, especially in my younger single days a buddy saying something to me like "HEY. SO DID YOUR WOMAN TURN ROMANTIC FOR YOU LAST NIGHT?" End of story!


Song from the 1950's "Transfusion" by Nervous Norvus!

Monday, July 25, 2016


        If there is one issue I wish would just go away is this whole LGTBQ issue of using bathrooms. I have always thought a partial solution would be to incorporate in to lots of public bathrooms the` concept of "Porta Potties." Other-words, a person goes into area of a bathroom a door designates whether it is occupied or unoccupied. 

         A lot of places like Casey's have just one stool in it each bathroom so instead of having separate women and men's bathrooms just have two uni-sex rooms and have on the door occupied or unoccupied. There have been times when the men's have been occupied that I have simply used the women's restroom if unoccupied rather than bust a bladder!

         Have you ever been to a Rock Concert and had a women come into the men's restroom because the line is way too long in the ladies. Besides, I don't think it would offend me to have a lady come out of a stall and be standing next to me at a sink and proceed to freshen up her make-up!

       Maybe I am making light of what some think is a very serious issue, but, it seems like there are simpler ways of rectifying this issue than just guessing someone's intent. What do you think about the new bathroom they are building for dogs at the Des Moines Airport?

Sunday, July 24, 2016


 I loved the comment from the Cubs commentator, Jim Desheises, when Cub reliever, Rondon, pitched one right by Brewer batter. His comment was a take-off on "Blue Bayou" by Roy Orbison 1963. Get it! "Blew By YOU!" GO CUBS GO!


       I just ordered my ticket to go see the 150 member Genesis Drum and Bugle Corp of Austin, Texas who will be performing at the Tournament of Drums on July 29, 7pm at Kingston Stadium in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

      They performed or actually rehearsed here in Williamsburg a few weeks ago while traveling through. I saw their buses parked at the high school parking lot just across the street from where I live, but, didn't realize at the time who they were. Someone at the Burg Grocery saw them and said how unbelievable they were.

       I can't wait! When I go to a Hawkeye football game at Kinnick Stadium, I never miss the Iowa Hawkeye Marching band drum section perform at the SW corner of the stadium about an hour prior to the game. They make your hair stand up! What will this group next Friday night do from Texas? Well if it's time to go it's time to go! 


       Yesterday it seemed like a good idea to check out the new movie "Star Trek Beyond" on Sunday morning at Corralville for a reasonable $5.00. What was I thinking. Somehow I justified it by thinking I am a sci-fi fan, but, mostly the really old ones like The Day The Earth Stood Still." The one from the early 50's not the later one that came out with Tom Cruise.

        Right from the beginning the Star Fleet was into a fight with some aliens that mainly were like human beings with funny heads. For the first 15-20 minutes it was non stop blasting and blowing up of stuff. The Enterprise got blown apart and the crew was trying to escape in pods. By all rights the alien bad guys should have won easily by the way the action was going. And, of course, most scenes were so dark and blurry you weren't really sure what you were watching!

       Like Popeye I couldn't stand no more. That may be the earliest I have walked out of a movie. Less than half hour. Don't get me wrong. Younger folks will probably just love it as the action is just the way it is today. I tried, but, to no avail. A movie that looks a little more to my speed is coming in September. "Sully" starring Tom Hanks as Captain Sullenberger and directed by Clint Eastwood. I just need to be more patient. Their coming!




Saturday, July 23, 2016


       I helped a lady out the other day at the Burg Grocery who in the summer must live outdoors as her tan is as dark as a "root beer popsicle!" It seems that was a time when we almost worshiped people that developed a rich tan. I'm not sure that is the case any more. 

        In light of the enormous increase of skin cancer due to the sun and in some cases tanning booths, it doesn't seem that these dark tans are that "cool" as they once were. Besides, it has always seemed that seeing a senior "snow bunny" coming back from their winter hang-outs with their tans and many many deep lines in their faces wasn't that neat! 

       I have also said many times that my Grandma Smith had the skin of Snow White and she lived to her mid 90's. I doubt if the sun ever touched her skin. Some of her secret was in the genes plus just never going outside all that much! If you are going through any guilt about getting out in the sun. It's OK if you don't!


        A lady came into the Burg Grocery this past week and hosting a large number of her grand-kids for the week. She seemed to be taking it in stride even though it sounded like she was keeping an eye on at least eight of her crew!

       It reminded me of a time when four of my grand-kids would come up for a week-end stay. Being fairly well organized, I usually could keep the event at least to a small roar! The one situation that I did learn to change was that last morning breakfast. 

        At first I would have that "Big" Grandpa cooked breakfast on the morning when the kids were getting ready to head home. It initially didn't work too well trying to prepare a big breakfast and getting the kids clothes packed and not forgetting anything. Of course,my other big mistake was thinking I had to clear off dishes and put all in the dish washer.

    It didn't take me long to simply have my big breakfast on the first morning and then simply go to  somewhere like Mickey D's on the morning of departure. I am sure most single grandparents would have handled it differently. But, for me once I changed the routine my stress level diminished to near zero!  


     After watching Rudy Giuliani's speech this past week at the Republican National Convention, it reminded me of what can be done in our large cities. Giuliani made a big difference in crime when he was mayor of New York City.

      Then it dawned on me that a city like Chicago and others have the highest murder rate in this country. It is fact that most large cities are run by Democrats and yet the crime rates continue to increase and never seem to get better. 

      When you take Chicago, a city with a close pal of Obama's, run by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, it has one of thee highest murder rates in the country.  If Rudy could do it why can't Obama's buddy Emanuel do it. It couldn't be because you don't want to upset your CONSTITUENTS! No! Instaed of showing a little "tough love" on occasion, it is better to let the CONSTITUENTS kill one another. Or, just blame the cops, especially if they are white and when they shoot a CONSTITUENT!  

Thursday, July 21, 2016


       At least I got your attention. No,I was never any kind of celebrity, but, I had some fun during the 1980's when I did a few commercials and advertisement spots. It all started when my ex-wife, May, worked for a Production Company in Des Moines that made commercials and advertisements for all sorts of companies in the area. 

          One of the first ads that I did had something to do with being at the same old boring job and how this particular Employment could help with a new career. The Production Company called on me to be the guy to be sitting at this desk looking bored with cob webs on and all around me. They had this machine that would make cob web looking stuff. It took forever, but, was fun!

        Another "shoot" involved several of us acting as couples and eating at a trendy restaurant at the time called Jimmie's American Cafe in West Des Moines. It took most of the day to complete the TV commercial, but, also fun except Jimmie didn't pay for our lunch!

        There were others through this Production Company, but, my biggest claim to fame involved a "shoot" directly through Better Homes & Gardens who was the franchiser of the Real Estate Company, 1ST Realty, that I was an Associate. They needed someone at this home site in Des Moines to act as a real estate agent shaking hands with a couple who who acted as happy buyers and who had just purchased this lovely home standing by a "SOLD" sign.

       I just happened to be someone in the West Des Moines office at the time with a suit and tie on. I went to the site and the photographer from BH&G. The guy must have shot 3 rolls of film just to get one shot of us shaking hands after the sale.But, my kisser was on and in every "Listing Brochure" that was printed for the entire USA.    


        With the plagiarism issue surrounding the speech by Donald Trump's wife, Melania. For a while everybody was covering it up by lying about it! Of course, it reminded me of a story from the 1980's.

        An acquaintance of mine years ago was dating a really nice lady and on this occasion he had a one night affair with someone else and it took place at his own condo. The girlfriend came to his place the next morning as she had a key to get in. The story goes that it was Mother's Day and they were going to his or her's mother's home for the occasion.

       She caught both of them in bed red handed. No doubt. He just kept denying it although there was no mistake. The girlfriend broke up with him and for a very good reason, but, it was somewhat funny at the time.  


       Even though I have not had a drop of alcohol in over 22 years, one fond memory popped into my head yesterday at the Burg Grocery while a customer checked out a cold six pack of beer and, of course, with the extremely heat wave expected the remainder of this week.

       I was with my cousin, Alan, and we were in the "shop" at my Grandpa's place. We were not very old at the time. It was a very hot summer day and we got into the refrigerator in the shop that was always kept stocked with all kinds of beverages. 

     On this occasion we decided to try a cold Pabst Blue Ribbon. We found a "church key," and opened that can. Boy, did it taste good. Maybe it would have worked out better if wouldn't have tasted so good!


     I have mentioned this before about the saying-"The next person that speaks losses!" Just once I would like to see a politician who is being interviewed or drilled by a newscaster this would happen. Wouldn't it be funny or refreshing to hear the interviewee and then say something like "END OF STORY!" The commentator would be sitting there and would not know what to do next. It probably will never happen as it is human nature, especially politicians, to keep going and thinking that they will win the argument. Try it sometime!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


       I would love to see a Town Meeting with Obama as the MC and on the left would be at least 20 members of Black Lives Matter and on the right would be at least 20 members of various Police Organizations. I do you think that would play out when we are all supposed to "love one another!"


       It's that time of year once again. This Thursday I will be driving up to Marshalltown and one important thing on my agenda is stopping at Long's Sweet Corn Stand on south Center Street and will probably purchase a few dozen ears to not only eat every night of the week, but, to also freeze. 

       Sweet corn is one food that in 72 years I have never been tired of eating. Never. The only thing stopping me from eating more than 2 or three ears at one setting is that I simply can't eat no more!Some of us like getting our corn from Grimes, some Humphrey's, but, I have always felt Long's was the best. 

      The last time I cut it off the cob and froze some was a few years ago while living in Marshalltown. One thing I will enjoy is getting out my electric knife and "going to town   with it. It's the one time I will feel like the Tool Man from the old TV show Home Improvement. Ugh! Ugh!


      This past Thursday, July 14, 2016, For the first time in my adult life I attended a county fair. This time it was the Iowa County Fair in Marengo, Iowa. The last time I attended a true county fair was when I was kid and showing calves in 4-H at the Marshall County Fair in Marshalltown, Iowa back in the late 1950's. Technically I did attend one county fair years ago near Buffalo, New York while visiting old college classmates. I didn't really consider it a county fair as their daily attendance was bigger than our Iowa State Fair. Plus, it even had a double mid-way. 

       Living in Des Moines for many years, I never missed the Iowa State Fair and still attend at least once still to this day. So,  my first surprise was that I didn't have to pay to park nor pay to actually get in. Compared to the State Fair I was already $15-$20 ahead. This particular afternoon, there were probably more vendors and participants than spectators. 

       During the dairy livestock judging, it gave me a good feeling to be witnessing young people showing their "pride and joy" with all the hard work that is involved. The same was true at the Horse Show a little later that afternoon. It was a touching experience all the way around seeing this way of life in action and the fact that I too could share their experience. 

       The only thing I didn't attend this day was the Pie/Baking Contest Auction. By that time I was tired and ready to head home. Maybe next time. One reminder of the day and age we live in was seeing a huge 9000 series John Deere tractor sitting in the center of the fair setting long with this huge attached planter. There had to be $600,000-$800,000 worth of equipment sitting there! I would do it again! 



       Yesterday, Sunday July 17, 2016,  I drove up to rural Laurel to visit my cousin Alan Laverty. I do enjoy visiting with him about some memories that we share, but, most from ago and usually of mutual interest. Today was no exception.

       Most times we get around to the Iowa Hawkeyes as we both are considered Hawkeyes as was Alan's dad, Paul Laverty, and my dad and Paul's brother, John Laverty. Somehow this day we got into when George Ravling was the basketball coach at Iowa.

      Most fans would agree that Ravling wasn't that great a coach, but, was a very good recruiter. Also, a lot of people didn't like the fact that he wore "Sweat Suits" rather than the traditional suits like most coaches still wear today. I disagreed with Alan on that observation in that I thought it did make sense to wear something like he did as it is a very "sweaty" business. Why wear a very expensive suit just to hug a bunch of guys dripping in sweat. Coaches don't wear suits in other sports!

Monday, July 18, 2016


      Last week while attending the Iowa County Fair in Marengo, my finale was eating at the "Livestock Sale Steak Supper" at 5PM.  While waiting a little before 5 o'clock, I do know that I was sitting within 5 feet of the cashier. All of a sudden like someone had shot off a gun all these "Older Types" were lined up and ready to go! I had to walk back about 25 feet to get in the back of the line. When it comes time to eat, this senior crew showed some real speed! Next time I'll be right up there!


      Yesterday, Sunday the 17th of July, I drove up to rural Laurel to visit my cousin Alan Laverty. It really hit me when driving west from Newburg and straight west over to highway 14 before heading north to Alan's.

         With all our blessed rain this past week or two everything has greened up beautifully and it was such a delight to view. The stretch west of Newburg was lined with beautiful tall corn. To the south and left I could witness rolling hills down and back up to a huge stand of trees. To the north and right I could see all the way to Laurel and beyond with all the dozens of turbines dotting the landscape.

          And, what was also worth noting was the fact that all that distance I only met one car. Just one. I don't know where you live, but, it was a pleasure to enjoy the experience of the drive and the scenery pretty much alone. I loved it!   

Sunday, July 17, 2016


       I have always been fascinated by the story of the Edmund Fitzgerald and its sinking during a huge storm back in the 1970's on Lake Superior. The song by Gordon Lightfoot and the Documentary done on the story years ago on PBS have stuck with me still to this day. 

        A few years ago, after coming back along the North Shore Drive and staying the night in Duluth the idea hatched. A waitress mentioned that one time during a big storm waves came in at least 50 yards into a parking area and drenched the autos.

       That is something I want to experience. Somehow I just need to "keep an eye" on the weather in the area during late October and November and get up there to experience those huge waves. I have always found a fascination with huge waves as opposed to gentle little waves in the likes of the Gulf. Stay tuned!


       This past week I put a list of the top songs in 1962.  We all have our favorite time or decade of music and that it only natural depending usually on our age. My favorite decade for music is the late 1970's because I was single at the time and saw a lot of the groups at that time.

       However, the reason I think the 1950's and 60's were so great was from the standpoint of dancing. That period so many great songs were written and made popular to dance to and special types of dances. Examples were the Twist, The Stroll, The Chicken, Watusi, The Mashed Potato, Monster Mash, The Stripper(hey hey), The Limbo, and one of my all time favorites-The Locomotion by Little Eva!

       It doesn't seem that many "specialty" songs with new ways to dance have been introduced too much since. Ah, the good old days!


       This past week I sat beside a young guy who was talking to another young man about his recent trip to western Nebraska and Wyoming  for a little Prairie Dog hunting. Because my sister, Doris, and I had been out there a couple of months ago, I couldn't resist entering in the conversation. 

       It finally got around to talking about Colorado and the Estes Park area. He mentioned that he had gone with his Grandpa to the Estes area when he was only five or six years old. His one comment was he only wished his Grandfather would have written about the trip so he would have it to remember as he was too young at the time. 

       For me that was like an introduction. I told him he should remember that and start writing his experiences for his children and grand-children. He probably won't, but, I thought it was worth mentioning as it is my job! 


      I will be the first to say that I am not an Obama fan. However, I did vote for him, like I am sure a lot of people did, back in 2008 just because he was Black and then I could tell my grand-kids that I voted for the first Black guy!

       Despite the fact of our polarization in Washington, he still has not, to my knowledge, introduced any kind of  major legislation to help the Black youth of this country. In a lot of our major cities, ie. Chicago, it seems the only way out and opportunity for Black youth is either selling drugs or the NBA. 

       It seems when watching TV shows like Sixty Minutes you always see a usually private school which assists young Black youths in music or sports. And, that is great. But, why can't we take it beyond that. Our churches seem to be` able to bring in people and youth of color from Africa. Why can't we come up with something as a nation to bring youth from areas of poverty to areas in this country that are prospering and experience a different way of life and different types of people through work programs. We seem to feel it is OK to bring in Hispanics and blend in different cultures and society's. 

       I know I tend to be a dreamer, but, it seems something like the Peace Corp could be devised for especially youth in blighted areas. Conversely, maybe it would be good for our youth in more prosperous areas to experience life in areas less prosperous. 

        There will always be poor and poor areas in any society, but, it does seem a tragedy that a Black President in eight years has not been able to come up with a workable solution or at least tried. The more "blending" we do in this country the harder it is to HATE!  If there are programs in place I am not aware of them.     

Friday, July 15, 2016


      Exactly two years ago today, July 15, 2014, the Blog site began as It has posted over 1,350 personal and family related short stories. It has been viewed over 22,000 times and hopefully has brought a chuckle, a laugh and most importantly has brought out a treasured memory of your own. 

       Along with short stories of a personal and family related content, we hope to pass along a little satire , dining & travel tips, and some writing tips to assist you in writing your own memories. Thank you everyone who have shared these stories! 

Thursday, July 14, 2016


        Back in the 1980's while selling real estate in the Des Moines area, my ex, May,  and I would go to the Plaza Shopping area in Kansas City when it was felt to get away from the real estate scene. It was hard to just stick around Des Moines because normally if the phone rang you were off showing homes to a potential buyer. It was hard to get away from the business unless you got out of town. 

     A restaurant that was one of our favorite's at the time in the Plaza was called "Harry Starker's." It was a very nice restaurant and they also had  live entertainment that played nightly. But, it was always busy and generally there was quite a wait (up to an hour) and it was cocktail time in the lounge while you waited.

         One night, and I don't know what possessed me, I went in to check on the progress of the "list" for our dinner reservation. For some reason (the devil made me do it) I asked the hostess if the reservation for "DOCTOR LAVERTY" was ready? I was no more than back to my table and they called my name--"Dr. Laverty your table for two is ready!" I never did that again, but, it does make you wonder about life being fair!


       The other day while talking to Tony about the "old days," he did bring up the fact that at one point in school he remembered being the shortest kid in our class and was tied with Donna Ingraham. In an old football program when we were freshman, Tony was listed at 105 pounds. And, we had to practice against the likes of Johnny Smith who weighed in at 190 pounds and worse yet was Gene Determan who weighed over 200 pounds. It should have been illegal to been on the same field as those HUGE SENIORS! I think I lied somehow about my weight just to have it shown as 150.

       One of the funniest memories about Tony and his height was when our baseball coach wanted to get an easy run on base, he would put Tony in and have him bend down so that his strike zone would almost be non-existent. Not many opposing pitchers could hit a strike zone of just a few inches. Tony always walked to first! His size did pay off! 


       A couple of boys waived off their 3 cents worth of change the other day at the Burg Grocery. It sprung to mind a funny incident when a classmate of mine at Laurel, Tracy Miiller, and I encountered while having a soda at Zeno's Pizza in Marshalltown back in the early 1960's.

       The waitress at the time, to us, was a real "Cuttie" and we were smitten by her. I don't know why we just had a beverage and no pizza, but, our entire tab for the two cola's didn't come to $1.00.
But, playing these two big spenders from Laurel, we left her a whole $1.00 tip. A whopping 100% gratuity! We never knew if she was all that impressed as we never saw her in there again. 


11. Limbo Rock-Chubby Checker
12. Hey! Baby-Bruce Channel
13. Bobby's Girl-Marcie Blane
14. The Stripper- David Rose
15. The Twist-Chubby Checker
16. Ramblin' Rose-Nat King Cole
17. Monster Mash-Bobby Boris Pickett
18. Peppermint Twist-Joey Dee & Starliters
19. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do-Neil Sedaka
20.Loco-Motion-Little Eva

Wednesday, July 13, 2016






       Again, while doing a little downsizing and reminiscing, I came across a list that I had kept from my senior high school year of 1962. I am not sure of its source, but, I am sure that these songs were top hits during that year. I want to share at least the Top 10 from that list.

1. I Can't Stop Loving You-Ray Charles
2. Big Girls Don't Cry-Four Seasons
3. Roses Are Red-Bobby Vinton
4. Stranger on The Shore-Mr. Acker Bilk
5. Johnny Angel-Shelley Fabares
6. Return To Sender-Elvis Presley
7. Soldier Boy-Shirelles
8. Sherry-Four Seasons
9. Duke of Earl-Gene Chandler
10. Mashed Potato Time-Dee Dee Sharp


         Lately, I have been doing a little down-sizing and consolidating here and there and ran across a newspaper clipping from high school days at good old Laurel Consolidated School. It was about a football game that we played against Melbourne back in 1960. Fortunately for us, after a a close game, we pulled it out 33-20.

       In the article of the game, it was brought out that after a long drive by Laurel and scoring a touchdown, "Tony Preston, who filled in capably for the injured Dennis Laverty,added the extra point!" I did call Tony at his home in Prescott, Arizona, and teased him about taking issue with his being able to fill in for me. 

     Believe me and all joking aside, Tony could fill in for any body, any time. When I called him this past week he had just come in from playing tennis. And, I am sure everyone has read the story I told on my Blog about Tony injuring his hip while throwing a guy out in a double play in a softball game just two years ago!

         My personal best story about Tony was when in our Senior year his family moved to Melbourne. In the football game with Melbourne that year Tony became our adversary. On one play where I was in the open and going for a touchdown I could see Tony gaining on me out of the corner of my eye. I knew if he got to me he was like a human "torpedo!" Sure enough he latched on and tackled me. He got up after the tackle, helped me up and said "Nice run Dennis and I in turn said Nice Tackle Tony!" There will always be only one Tony Preston!

Monday, July 11, 2016


         When I was a kid it seemed that when visiting older relatives their decorating and furnishings in their homes seemed really old, ancient even, and generally had a certain odor. I know those times were different, but, for some reason it stuck with me as I got older. There were lots of things that I said I wouldn't do or fall into as I got "older."

         Even though my home is decorated in an Eclectic mode, I do try to keep it looking fresh, clean, and not with the appearance of being outdated. Even with a sprinkling of antiques, they are in good shape and, I believe, are good conversation pieces. I even bought a couple of new kitchen dish towels recently that are a red pin-strip. I always try to buy and incorporate a new item here and there fairly frequently. No excuse just because I am a guy, either.

        I guess my point is that I don't want one of my grand-kid's to think that Grandpa is getting old and his place looks old, dirty, and smells bad. No sir. It's not going to happen on my watch if I can help it.

Sunday, July 10, 2016


         This past 4th of July, I volunteered to ride on the Burg Grocery float here in Williamsburg. One reason I wanted to ride the float was I have always wanted to be able to throw candy at the kids along the parade route. 

        Our float like most in this small town was simple in make-up and simple in the message. Even though the whole parade took less than half an hour, it represented what rural America is all about. It was so rewarding to look out at those watching the parade along the route including loved ones visiting here. It made me feel so proud to be a citizen of this great country! I hope to do it again.


        About once or twice a year I go on a "downsizing jag!" It's another thing I can blame on my mother. She was always cleaning and throwing away anything she thought we didn't need including all my old comic books! You too! I digress.

         I am the complete opposite, almost, of a "hoarder." Some might say more ACD. I might agree. Most of my life I have been downsizing due to one fact. I have probably moved at least a couple of dozen times in my lifetime and that is just a guess. Each time you move you get rid of some things. If you don't you have a real problem. 

       Lately, I have been doing my semi-annual compacting of what I call my most important personal property that I possess. "Memorabilia." I am down to about 10 plastic tots that include things that are important to me like everything from items that were  my mother's, grandmother's, and /or other family members from ago including many items of importance of mine in my lifetime to me and documenting when needed. 

        For most people and family members that I have known, it has been a difficult task to down-size and decide what should "go" and what to keep. For me, it has not been that difficult, and it is something I feel is of some importance to assist those in charge some day of dealing with all. At least someday someone will say, "At least he was fairly neat!"



       This coming Wednesday, 7/13/2016, the Iowa County Fair in Marengo will begin. This may not sound like something that one be on anyone's Bucket List, but, you're not dealing with a normal kind of guy! Right?

        The last time I have attended a County Fair was when I was a young kid at the Marshall County Fair in Marshalltown and showing cattle for 4-H. My intentions are to just take a day off and attempt to see as much of what still makes small county fairs worth attending- cattle judging, horse shows, cow pie throwing contests, (if any) and anything else I can find. The key will be to just relax and seek it out and observe. 

        I know that the county fairs aren't what they used to be or maybe it it just my perception. I also know that not all county fairs are the same. I very seldom miss the Iowa State Fair as I truly believe it has to be one of the Best Fairs in the USA. Hopefully it will be fun to experience a fair at it's roots!


       Since being put into the "Single" status once again, I quickly decided that I either get out there and do some things that could enjoy even by myself or just sit at home and feel sorry for myself not!

        One thing I did this past week was order a ticket to the "last" touring performance of MAMA MIA. It will be performing at Hancher Auditorium in Iowa City next February 2017. I have seen it twice at the Civic Center in Des Moines and absolutely is my favorite all time musical period! I could go and see it night after night. 

        The advantage of ordering a single ticket is that usually there is usually a sprinkling of single tickets still available all over the theater. Besides, what do I care if I don't know the person next to me. I have never been know as shy. We will get to know one another by the end of the performance! 


       Yesterday afternoon, Saturday 7/9/2016,  I headed to Des Moines on an important mission to see and visit with two friends that I go back to Kindergarten with-Bob Baker and Jerry Roberts. 

       First, I drove to Norwalk where Bob lives. Despite the fact that Bob suffered from a stroke years ago and has some difficulty in speaking, we had no problem in reminiscing about old times at Laurel High. Bob was an important part of our outstanding football team during our high school years. 

       After a time flying three hours, I headed back toward Des Mones and stopped at one the best neighborhood Italian eateries-Bodenaro's on the southside of Des Moines @ SW 9th St. and Army Post Road. It has been there since the 1970's and it has that old Italian feel complete with the "Italian" photo's on the walls and a little backroom music with the likes of Dean Martin.  Their very thin New York Style pizza is one of the best in town. 

       From there I went to visit Jerry and Judy Roberts in Urbandale.  Again, Jerry and I also go back to Kindergarten at Laurel. Jerry had surgery lately and has been successfully on the mend. Then, I visit`ed my daughter, La Risa, who works at Mama Lacona's Restaurant on the edge of Urbandale. You guessed it. While there I had a cup of coffee and a delicious piece of dark and rich chocolate cake. In my case during the trip, I had lots of CAKE and I got to eat it too! Then, back to the Burg with a little Steely Dan sharing the ride home.


Friday, July 8, 2016


        I am always being asked what I use in my water when cleaning windows. People are usually surprised when they learn that all I use is a few drops of DAWN dish soap. Some people will ask if I have ever tried ammonia, vinegar, or the one that makes me start laughing is "old newspapers!"
Newspapers are OK if you want print all over your windows.

        If you really want to do a professional job on your windows get yourself a squeegee, and a sponge with nylon netting like you see at the gas station to get bugs off your windshield. With the squeegee you get a good up and down motion and no round and around motion. If you are using something like Windex don't. Two of the best products are Sparkle and Cinch. They will leave no film. And, it is an absolute must to keep your paper towels as dry as possible. Don't skimp!

        Years ago, I read where if you only had one product to do all your cleaning it would be Dawn. Palmolive or the cheap brands from Dollar stores won't cut it. If it is mild enough to clean off baby ducks from oil slicks then it is OK. 

         Years ago, I overheard two young men talking at lunch in Des Moines who worked for the largest window cleaning company in that city. I  thought they would give me some complex answer. The answer was simple-Dawn!


Thursday, July 7, 2016


       This afternoon I stopped at a Casey's on the way home for a cold beverage in Marengo after completing a window cleaning job. While there I used the bathroom and couldn't believe what lay on the toilet tank in front of me. It was a Book of Morman.

        After a chuckle, I couldn't help but wonder "why" it was there. Did somebody leave it there by mistake maybe while reading while in the restroom or did they leave it like some religious groups for "sinners" like me to read. Either way, I have probably gone into 1,000's of restrooms in my 72 years and have never and I say never run across a Bible, Book of Morman or Koran just lying there in a restroom anywhere! It's the little things!

Monday, July 4, 2016


       Did other farm kids have hideouts where they lived? Probably, but, I never asked. All I know mine was the coolest-the best! There were other areas that I could hide out for a while and/or play. Examples were the old cave( capped off basement from removed house) by our house, the area above our detached garage, balconies of the barn, and the deep crevice creek in northwest corner of farm.
      My top secret hide-out could never be found. Which was good, but, could have been bad. Not even the entire Russian Army our big enemy back in the 1950's. The quarter mile south of our farm house was where the road started that went the one mile west over to highway 14. Just about 50-100 yards from the corner  under this road was a square concrete culvert( maybe 2.5 feet by 2.5 feet) that ran under the road. Water drain-off from our farm ran through this culvert and dropped down into a small creek on the adjoining farm. 

      With water running through on occasion, it was like a miniature waterfall. Kinda cool. Disappointed? Well, I don't care. It was my own hide-out. Believe me, they would have never found me not in a million years!



       It's Saturday night and I pull into Skelly's gas station in Laurel and put $2.00 worth of gas in my 57' Chevy. That's about eight to ten gallons. Yes, that's right! Twenty five cents a gallon. From Laurel it's time to head north to the big city of Marshalltown.

      Whether you had a date or just with a buddy, one thing you did was "scoop the loop." Here's the route. Mainly it involved driving down Main Street checking out the other guys, their cars, and the girls. Heading west, you end up turning around and going back at 2nd or 3rd Street.

       The ultimate goal is to Third Avenue, a left and north to swing through the A & W. For my money, eating that is, you'd pull out of the A & W, turn back left and turn in to Kim's which was just a block south on the` west side of Third Avenue. Kim's was a  small diner with limited seating inside. But, basically you waited in your car for a waitress to come out and take your order. She would then bring out your hamburger or tenderloin in a basket and place your food in a metal tray on the side of your car.  It was just like the old TV show "Happy Days" or the movie "American Graffiti." It was a cool place!

       ************* I have written in an earlier story further details about Kim's. I also have an original tray from Kim's in my home purchased from the owner at the time back in the late 1990's. The A & W was where I first saw my first wife, Sandi Ferguson, with her friend Kathy and Kathy's plum colored Ford Galaxy convertible. 

Sunday, July 3, 2016


       I thought it was only appropriate that this morning I sail down to Coralville and take in the movie Independence Day-Resurgence just because I hadn't been to a movie lately(one reason not any good movies since Spring except those for kids.) and being a movie junkie had to do it. 

        It is a good deal as you can take in a flick in the AM for only $5.00. Such a deal! I do love sci-fi movies, but, something told me I would be disappointed in this one. I was! The  only word I can use to describe it was PREPOSTEROUS! It went way beyond space/sci-fi logic! Oh, well. Win some! Lose some!

       Half way through the movie and because with all the action I was actually getting bored. I thought I would go against my golden rule and at least get a small popcorn to tied me over till I got home for lunch. I ask to see what the smallest popcorn was and how much it would be. The kid behind the counter showed me this little blue sack and replied that it would be $6.00! Not kidding! I know they could have heard me at the other end of the Mall(and it's the biggest Mall in Iowa)when I said "WHAT!" I know they are probably used to old people and their response, but, who cares what they think!

      The really funny thing or not is that the biggest TUB of popcorn ONLY costs you $8.00! What a bargain. It is great logic because you probably are happy to pay just $8.00 for all that popcorn after comparing it to that hand full of kernels in that small blue sack. I just walked away mumbling something like-"I would rather starve first before---!"  Is this a great country or what! Happy 4th of July! 


        I decided to kick off the 2nd anniversary of the establishment of my Over 1,300 posts have been included from personal & family short stories, humor, satire, destination and writing tips. I am also pleased that close to 22,000 views have been recorded. Thank you all for tuning in and I hope, more importantly, it brings out some of your favorite memories.

        Over the next week, I will be re-posting the TOP TEN most read stories during the past two years. Again, thank you for sharing with me something that I truly enjoy expressing and passing along. Happy 4th of July to you all! 

Saturday, July 2, 2016


        It dawned on me yesterday that when someone asks me how I am doing my response should be---"Actually, I  hope to be as good as yesterday, but, not as good as today!" Sounds like that old song--"I Love You More Today-----------!" At least make it FANTASTIC!


       This past Thursday, July 30th, a group of my cousins who all at one time lived in or around Laurel and attended Laurel Consolidated School met for lunch in Urbandale, Iowa at Mama LaCona's Restaurant. 

       Those in attendance were Doris Laverty Eddy of Gilman, Iowa, Dianne Smith Davis of Corning, Iowa, Barbara McMahon Stineman, Linda Laverty Latham both of the Des Moines area and yours truly of Williamsburg. Linda and Barb are first cousins as their mothers, my Aunt Mary Spence Laverty and Mavis Spence McMahon were sisters. 

       And, as an added pleasure our server was my daughter, LaRisa Laverty Riley of Des Moines, Iowa. The food and company were fabulous. It was fun to reminisce about times at Laurel and family stories. Again, I would highly recommend get together's like this whether it be family, classmates, or just good friends. Don't put it off!


       One of the advantages or disadvantages in working at a grocery store is all the ideas for meal planning in not only the inventory around you, but, what you see that customers are buying and getting meal tips from them.

      To give you an idea of this, yesterday, a lady bought a package of frozen spinach. The obvious answer to why she was purchasing it was for spinach dip. My brain and in collaboration with my stomach came up with a spinach quiche! I know that does non't compare with burgers, brats, hot dogs, and so on for the perfect 4th of July meal. 

       Keep in mind that there are two or three more days and/or meals left in the Holiday week-end! Since it is just me making the meal decisions I generally go with I feel like having at the time. Even if it not the season and a hot day my TEAM may say to go for "Chili." It isn't always about what is expected or traditional! No Sir! Who knows. Tomorrow it may be sweet corn and a burger. Have a Happy 4th!