Friday, July 3, 2015


A lady was fishing for her car keys the other day at the Burg Grocery and commented how silly it was  to always lock her car in a small town. I am not the one to criticize as I very seldom lock my car even when it is left out at night  in front of the house. Ilah, on the other hand, always locks her car no matter what the circumstances are.

      Years ago, a very good friend, Bob Merritt, had gone to the Dahl's Grocery at 86th and Hickman in Clive to get a couple of items. He had just bought a brand new Corvette and left it parked out front of the store in a no parking zone with the engine running.

      When he came back out his precious Vet was gone. He waited outside for awhile thinking some friend had played a joke on him. A few weeks later, it was found down around Winterset. Some young girl had stolen it. I am not sure if he learned anything from that experience, but, it always made for a good story. When in doubt, it is probably a good idea to always lock your vehicle.

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