Wednesday, July 15, 2015


     The trip in 1963 by any standards was a goodly jaunt. From Marshalltown, Iowa, we went down through Oklahoma, across the Texas panhandle, to Arizona and then down to the Mexican border, and then up to Los Angles. From there, heading to Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Colorado Springs, thru Nebraska and home. 

     I do remember when we got to the San Diego area to visit an aunt of my mother's, uncle Bill Schultz's wife, we also went across the border into Tijuana. I can't say that I remember anything outstanding about going over the border, but, that we did it.

     When we left that area and were heading north on what was highway 1. and basically like an interstate highway, four lanes and all, that experience I do remember well. I was driving and doing about 70 mph and all of a sudden a semi, without a trailer, passed me like I was standing still. I thought wow! Everything you have heard about the way these California people drive is true!

     Before arriving in the Anaheim area and Disneyland, we stopped in the Newport, Long Beach, or Huntington Beach area for a swim in the Pacific Ocean. I remember thinking how gross seeing a big piece of seaweed was with all the little creature's crawling out! Then it was on to Disneyland!

----------to be continued.


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