Tuesday, July 21, 2015


      You probably think I am talking about tailgating at a football game. No, the other kind. Being followed too closely! And, not by a car, but, by a person.

      The other night, I had a dream about someone following me too closely and I could feel them right behind me. So, I stopped immediately and they ran right into me. End of dream!

      The next morning while working at the Burg Grocery, I had two or three instances where someone going out or coming in was following me way too closely. Maybe I just have a thing about people getting too close to me physically or otherwise! What do you think Dr. Freud?

       A long those lines, if I am in a line at a convenience store and someone is too close right behind me, I do the following. When reaching for my wallet, I extend my elbow out behind me as to slightly hit that person too close behind me and in my space. Oops! Sorry!

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