Wednesday, July 22, 2015


    I have been very fortunate in my life in regard to doing a lot of things especially with travel. Until the movie THE BUCKET LIST with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman,I really didn't think much about the things I have already done or places traveled.

      I do have a short list in regard to places and destinations that given the chance would like to see before leaving the planet. The big ones would be the likes of visiting Ireland I suppose because of my heritage. It does seem strange that he desire is not there for Germany even though half my ancestry goes back to Germany and some to England, also. The two cruises would be along the Mediterranean and Alaska.

     I guess to be honest time is  the only thing slowing me down on the above, but, most of what I want to see is still in this country and Canada. Instead of ever having any kind of regrets of what I haven't seen, I do plan on listing the destinations that I have been and seen in my lifetime to serve as a reminder how fortunate I have been up until now!

-----stay tuned!


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