Wednesday, July 1, 2015


     Keeping an eye on the Greek financial crisis, one has to wonder if this country is not far behind, along with a lot of other countries. Greece, like a lot of other countries, became to generous with their money. Too much of social welfare over the years and it finally caught up.

      It is just like a person who keeps piling up debt on a credit card. As long as someone will give you credit and increasing your limit, you will keep on going as long as you have the ability to pay it off. But, if that monthly payment exceeds your ability to pay other necessities, you have a big problem.

       We are a wealthy country, but, there are limits to how much we can do for those that are less fortunate than most. Politicians will probably never get it because it is NOT their money. And, everybody has their own agenda. Cut, defense spending. No! Cut welfare spending! On and on we go.

     There is an old A.A. saying that goes-It takes someone a long time to get into trouble. It will take a lot of time to recover. Why can't we just start by cutting a small percentage from all areas and maybe over time we will get there.

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