Friday, July 17, 2015


     Before we went to Disneyland upon arriving in Anaheim, California, mom arranged to meet old friends from Laurel, Iowa, Merle and Dorothy McMahon. So, the night before going to Disneyland we spent some time with the Merle and Dorothy.

       They were suited for Southern California. Their apartment was pretty much all white with a single color of accent in the bathroom, for example, with nothing but all red towels. Dorothy, as I remembered, was a taller lady with black hair and quite attractive and personable.

       Merle was the one that always interested me. He appeared to be a character right out of a period movie set. He was a fairly short and somewhat heavy man. He was always neatly and well dressed. He was extremely polite and always seemed to treat Dorothy like a queen. He wore light colored suits with a bow tie and could have passed for someone's somewhat eccentric uncle in a movie set in the south.

     He had driven for years a late 1940's black four-door Buick that was always extremely clean and polished. He was in sales and drove his Buick to call on customers. I really liked him  as he was a real maverick in my estimation. I was glad that I had the chance to meet them then and on occasion when they came back to visit. 

---------to be continued.

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