Wednesday, July 1, 2015


     Go ahead and laugh all you long time cooks. But, just this past week for the first time I actually made potato salad. It is fun to google up a lot of recipes and then just go for it. And, believe me I consulted my significant and retired "cooker," Ilah, before I tried anything to bold and different.

      Even though I do most all of the cooking these days and truly love it, for some reason never thought about tackling potato salad. In my defense, pretty much through my whole life, there has always been someone around to make it and make it well. My mother, my first wife,  second wife, and of course, Ilah. When I was single, there was always a place like Haley's in Marshalltown, who made outstanding potato salad. Who needed to make it?

     The only terrible P.S. that I remember having was when a good friend made it for tail-gating during football season many years ago. It was from an old family recipe of his grand-mothers. It was dry and tasteless. But, who could say anything. It was his Grandma's.

      Mine turned out pretty well for the first time I will say. Ilah praised it and that's the most important thing. Needed a little more onion was the only criticism. For me, it was close to what I really like about potato salad-potatoes not to hard, the right amount of mustard and creamy! Next time- a little more onion! I can live with that. I made enough that it is a good thing I like it. It will probably be around till the 4th! 

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