Saturday, July 25, 2015


      It is official! Long John Silver's, the "fish joint" that my mother used to call it, is no more on South Center Street in Marshalltown, Iowa. It will be replaced by another dollar store. Marshalltown already has four or five. What's one more!

       Say what you will about the greasy food that was served there and maybe it's time had past, but, I did like especially the chicken. Never was a big hush puppy fan, but, a lot of folks were. One lady that worked for so many years was always so friendly and it was fun to ring that stupid bell as you would walk out!

      There was a time when you went in at the lunch hour you could barely make it the front door to wait in line. The batter recipe was on Facebook recently, I shared it and will possibly make it sometime for old time sake. Another one of those fuzzy warm memories gone by! 

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