Sunday, July 12, 2015


     Recently, I got sideways with someone on Facebook about a picture of a menu item from their favorite restaurant. For me, I was reminded of a La De Da place that I had a birthday dinner years go.

      Don't get me wrong, I love to eat out at a fancy restaurant as much as the next person. As long as there is some value along with quality and a fair amount of quantity. No, I don't like going to places where you walk through this line of bland food where you can get all you can eat!

      It was around the year, 2000, and I was dating someone, from Des Moines, whom I let choose the restaurant for my birthday. The place was in Windsor Heights and it was an upscale "bistro."

      You know the type of place with white table cloths and the waiters with white aprons. Pretty fancy. The menu also had prices, but, just stated the price with "12" or "25." That's kind? of classy don't you think? No $ sign. Who needs them!
     All I remember was a salad that I had ordered. It was on that all white square plate and it looked like a little sea weed inter-twined with some carrot strips and who knows what else. The edges had little drops of ?? drizzled around the edge for "presentation." I have always said that nothing tastes better than a little presentation!!

     I know I inhaled that small morsel in two small bites with a spin of my fork. Only 12. Dollars that is! The good news was I didn't have to pay for any of it! 


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