Sunday, July 5, 2015


     The North English grocery store recently closed and no one knows exactly the reason why. Since it is just 7 or 8 miles from Williamsburg, the closing has sure added a lot of business to the Burg Grocery, especially just before the holiday.

      It is always a catch 22 in that everyone wants a grocery store in their small town, but, then will turn around and complain that the prices are higher than at the big city stores. I have done comparisons even at our store in Williamsburg compared to others in Marshalltown and Iowa City. There really aren't big savings unless you are buying in big bulk.

      Since I work there, I have the advantage of watching for sales and specials. Plus, I have always been a daily shopper going back to my single days in Marshalltown. For a lot of Seniors, it is not that convenient to drive to Iowa City and other distant grocery stores. For me it also has to do with the distance and gas consumed, and just the time factor that I can do something else more pleasurable like NOTHING! Sometimes you just can't have it both ways. Based on the activity just prior to the Holiday, The Burg Grocery has nothing to worry about.

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