Wednesday, July 8, 2015


     While in Marshalltown yesterday, I had to stop in to my favorite sandwich shop and pick up a Maid Rite or three to take home for the evening meal. As usual, something gets brought up  there of interest to me. Today was no exception.

     A patron asked one of the employees the old question of "How many maid-rites have been eaten here." The one young lady replied that some time ago someone had been in and had eaten thirteen! I had the question a couple of years ago and the answer was twelve!

      Just like a fish story the answer has gotten a little bigger, but, not by too  I still think in terms of a package of a dozen buns. That alone makes me want to lose my lunch! Years ago there were places that if you could eat a 60 ounce steak and all the trimmings, it would be free. If you tried that with a maid-rite today I suppose there would be all kinds of legal ramifications! Also, would not want to be around if the person couldn't handle it! 

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