Tuesday, July 14, 2015


      Talking about different names used for or by grandparents with someone
recently, reminded me of my first time about what to be called before my first grandchild. I was too young, I thought, to be called Grandpa! I'll just have he or she call me Dennis!

      Prior to my grandson, Christian, being born, I was talking to a friend that I had taken to the Iowa State Fair. She was a grandmother for the first time and being only in my early 50's then, first of all, I couldn't believe I was with someone my own age who was a grandparent. I wasn't ready for this chapter in my life. Was I?

      I am not sure how or when it happened. But, when it did that was it. That little being one day just blurted out "Grandpa!" That's all she wrote.  Grandpa it was! Isn't it amazing how it all works out!


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