Thursday, July 9, 2015


      I knew I would at least get your attention. No, my mom didn't have it all that easy in her lifetime so don't get ready to scold me.

       Just looking back from one respect and that had to do with the selection of food menu's on a daily or weekly basis. First of all, it was pretty much a "meat and potatoes" thing day in and day out. Oh, a chicken was thrown in the mix if you don't want to call chicken meat.

      Normally it was some type of beef  out of the freezer on the back porch. My dad was not a liver lover so that ruled out segment. Some ham was thrown in on occasion and was served up for the Holiday's as my mother was, I believe, a little intimidated about preparing a turkey.

     Of course, we always had lots of veggies from the garden and fruit was always seasonally available. Frozen strawberries was, to me, a big treat-oh that sweet juice! 

     What makes it a lot tougher today, is all the choices of food categories that weren't really available or maybe thought about back then. Italian, Mexican,  & Oriental come to mind just for starters. Then to be able to just google up 100's of any simple recipe and variations. I don't know how many times I have enjoyed a new idea from online, somewhere, and thought to myself that may be the only time I have it.

     I guess from my mother's standpoint-"What you don't know won't hurt you!" I am getting hungry just thinking about her cooking and all that great "comfort food."

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