Sunday, July 5, 2015


      I have always said that just because someone like your Grandma made it, that does not necessarily  mean than it will always be good. I have purchase items at various ice-cream socials that were just not that good. That is one stereotype that you cannot always count on.

      I carried out for a lady Thursday that was going to take this certain cake to the VFW Women's Auxiliary Bake Sale uptown Williamsburg on the 4th of July. She had it in a covered box in the back of her vehicle and rolled it back to show me like a petty hood would in trying to sell me illegal cigarettes.

     She described the cake as an Amish, am already sucked in, recipe for a heavier angel food cake with homemade butter frosting and sprinklings of coconut. Oh, my! The next question out of my mouth was when and where! Uptown at 9am. I will be there at 8:45am!

     Ilah's crew wanted to attend a pancake breakfast at the fire station. How about 8am for that! Would there be time. For a long story short, I made it uptown and to the VFW by 9:10!
MY cake was there along with so many more fabulous looking cakes, cookies, and assorted treats. If only I could win the lottery! My problems would be solved and I could also kiss my weight loss program good-bye.

      My cake was still available at such a late hour as 9:15 am. With much stressful pondering, the angel food cake it was. This time my hunch was correct! It was MARVELOUS!

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