Saturday, July 11, 2015


      The other day, someone was discussing something about making homemade pickles and, of course, it reminded me of a pickle story. It involved my attempt of making bread and butter pickles like my mother used to make and my long time friend and classmate, Jerry Roberts.
     A few years ago, I attempted to duplicate the bread and butter recipe that my mother used to use in making one of my favorite delights that accompanied a lot of family meals. Those pickles were close to perfection. I thought I would give it a whirl.

     After making a few pints, I stored them and on one occasion when visiting gave a pint to my friend Jerry and his wife Judy. Sometime later, when talking with Jerry he brought up the pickles that I had given them.

     He simply said: " If you have any more that you would like to give us just to let him know!" If you know Jerry, that was the best compliment one could receive!

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