Monday, July 13, 2015


     These kids grow up too fast. I learned that long time ago. Our Jenna is 10 years old and already is spending summer week-ends with friends and their grandparents.

      This past week-end Jenna stayed the night at our home, and, although, we did not do anything real exciting, I think a good time was had by all. We watched some good movies, old Looney Tunes Cartoons from my private stash, made pizza boats, enjoyed scotcheroo's,  and played a few games of Old Maids. In addition, we made a bucket of liquid for making bubbles. You know, a little Dawn, corn syrup, and water. We made some beautiful ones.

      I really enjoy these times as I know they won't last forever, although there will be other types of special moments to share. This one took me by surprise. Jenna wants to go up with me some morning and open our post office box and get the mail! Kids are amazing!


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