Saturday, July 4, 2015


     It dawned on me yesterday while working at the Burg Grocery, how fortunate we are as American's in at least one way. It's something we all take for granite today.

      We were extremely busy and you would think that the rate of groceries flying out the door, that it wouldn't take long for the store to be running short or simply out of by the end of the day. This was Friday the day before the 4tth.

      Quite to the contrary. There was so many bread and bun items in the back area of the store, it was hard to get about.  We had enough beer stacked to last until the following week-end. Same for cheese products and milk-to the ceiling. Chips all over the store. Both managers of the store were packaging sweet corn, from Georgia no doubt, that was literally flying out the door.

      My point is that our distribution system in this country today, the planning ahead by all involved and the hard work of the store employees, we purchase our holiday food needs without much of a hitch. It wasn't always this way. Why, when I was knee high to a ----! Never mind. Happy Birthday, America. You are great!

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