Saturday, July 4, 2015


      One thing you can always count on is change. It has amazed me this past week, before the 4th of July, how much sweet corn we have been selling and the great local stuff isn't even out there yet!

      For some time, the Burg Grocery has been packaging and selling sweet corn from Georgia. It has been reasonably priced and packaged in clear plastic and the ears look fabulous. What's more it really tastes good and the customers love it and we have been having a tough time keeping it on the shelves.. That hasn't always been the case.

      I thought it would be really funny to start hearing, once the local corn is ready, that the real McCoy didn't stack up! That's one change I hope I am not around to see. Don't worry, "Long's" in Marshalltown, if your corn is no longer the best, the world is near its end!

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