Thursday, February 8, 2018


          Not quite two years ago, my sister, Doris, and I traveled down through the Smokey and Blue Ridge Mountains. Just one aspect while traveling reminded me how things change and it was wanting to exit and get gas or just make a stop to get out and relax.

        Yes, the interstates have the rest stops and those are nice and easy to slid into and slid right back onto the road. I'm talking about when you are off the interstate system and negotiating the various states four lane system and in a lot of cases the two lane highways.

         When traveling back in the 1950's, if you found a gas station and you needed gas you just pulled off the road and rolled right into the station. Same was true with cafes or motels. No fuss no muss!

           Today, and a lot of it is for safety purposes, first, you have to get off and go down an exit lane. Then, since so many gas stations and  restaurants are clustered near a main highway, you have to many times watch for signs to tell you which way to turn and how far away your stop is. Sometimes it's like going through a maze.

        At this time, I still don't possess a smart phone to enable me to locate certain destinations and find them easily and even make a food reservation ahead of time. It seems like parts of traveling has become a little more complex and easier at the same time! 


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