Friday, February 2, 2018


      It was in the mid 1990's and I had just moved to Marshalltown, Iowa and had started a Residential & Window Cleaning business. About the same time what is now called The Bickford House,-- the assisted living place,  was being constructed just off South Center Street.

       Although, I just had just started in primarily cleaning homes and widows, I was intrigued by this project even though there were over 70 individual  patient rooms, dining room, social room, and other related rooms. The place was big and really out of my league.

          But, one day I thought I would take a tour while it was under construction and "act like I knew what I was doing."  Then shortly, I  went up to the contractor's trailer and introduced myself. The contractor's foreman handed me a hard hat and I just strolled around like I owned the joint and knew what I was doing.

        What did concern me was that getting into this project with no "Big Time" experience, and that it could get me into real trouble -financial and otherwise. But, then I thought nothing ventured nothing gained. The way I went!

------------------to be continued!  

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