Friday, February 2, 2018


       I have to admit that I'm obsessed or at least really caught up in the political scene currently. After a few hours of tuning into a little CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, an actual Reality TV show or Soap Opera would be just plain BORING!

         Before you get too critical of me, watching this nonsense has it's upside. It can be very educational--by comparing the Russia/Obstruction to Watergate and the fact that to some our Democracy may end soon as we know it! Well, I want to be in front of my Tube if that happens--for sure!

        It's like going back to school--History, Law, Government. But, one daily lesson is in new words, that keeps popping up in all this and running to my GOOGLE to learn the meaning and spelling! My 5th grade teacher at Laurel Consolidated School, Laurel, Iowa would be very proud of me.

   Let me see, so far I have learned  about FISA, Dossier, Memo, Redaction, Complicit, and Transparency just to name a few. I wonder if there is some kind of Degree I can get for all this new higher learning? Probably not!

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