Monday, February 5, 2018


       I probably shouldn't admit it, but, yesterday instead of going to a new movie on my Sunday morning Flick Festival in Coralville, I saw  "The Greatest Showman" for the third time in the span of 3 weeks. 

       That sets a lifetime record for a first run movie. I wanted to see a movie called "Winchester" but, I just couldn't resist seeing the Musical about P.T. Barnum. This musical not only just makes you feel good about with its remarkable dancing and singing, it makes you feel good about Barnam and taking undesirables under his wing. 

        This Musical/Movie is, to me, better than Mama Mia in that it has that extra ingrediant of feeling good about the good side of mankind and his fight for the under-dog! A great Musical-a Great Lesson!


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