Sunday, February 11, 2018


      This past week someone brought it up on Facebook that they didn't understand why anyone wanted to live in Iowa and they should all come to Florida where this person lived. That raised a few choice words about that comment to say the least.

          Let's be clear. Not everybody can or wants to go south in the winter even if they can do it financially. I have known many people in my lifetime who could have very easily spent the winters in a place of their choice. Some people love the winter's snow and all that goes with it.

         I have been fortunate that in my lifetime to have traveled during the winter months many warm destinations and have enjoyed them very much. At my stage in life, know, I am unable to afford two residences --one here in Iowa and another where warmer. And, don't say why not move-I'm happy where I am for all sorts of reasons.

         Frankly, if I could pick a  warm spot for the winter months it would not be Florida, Texas, Arkansas, nor Arizona. Not even the Carolinas or Alabama. It wouldn't have to be anywhere where it's 80 degrees every day. After a lifetime of traveling this beautiful country, I would give strong consideration to Northern California or Oregon.

       First of all, I would love living by the ocean and really love the bigger and crashing waves. Those gentle little lapping waves just don't cut it for me.  The two times I was in Maui, I spent hours at a particular cove just watching huge crashing waves hitting  rocks. Nothing compares. 

       Also, even if I could live somewhere like that, I know that I would still be traveling to other destinations and adventures. It's the gypsy in me.  Since I don't play golf and have many interests that don't relate to weather conditions, I'm here to stay in the Hawkeye State. But, make no mistake, come May, I'm off for another adventure or two in the beautiful USA. 




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