Monday, February 12, 2018


       Last night I was watching an old re-run of Murphy Brown starring  Candice Bergen. I always loved that sit-com years ago and still do once again. The episode last night dealt with Candice attempting to join an all men's private club that her co-anchor Jim belonged.

         It made me think about the time in the 1980's when I was President of a local Breakfast Club . It was all male for some time until some member wanted to introduce a woman into the club. Now a Breakfast Club is simply a group of business people who meet on a regular basis and reciprocate business with one another.

      There were other clubs in greater Des Moines that had co-ed membership. My veto of the idea was one from a social standpoint. Once in awhile we had social events that just included members and not wives. My concern was of any "hanky panky" and then take heat from a spouse of an affected member or members. 

          Secondly, and I still feel this way in that it is OK for men and women to have their own groups and just enjoy the companionship of their own gender. How many men go out and play golf with three men and one lady. And, how many times do you hear of a man trying to "Crash" an all women's group! Birds of a Feather!

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