Tuesday, February 6, 2018


     I'm not sure exactly how old I was at the time, but, maybe twelve years old. I went over to a neighbor friend, Dave Anderson, for the afternoon to play and hang-out.

       Dave had this old English Schwinn bike and one side of the handle bars were broken off. That didn't matter to me as I had never ridden a "foreign" bike with multiple speeds. It had to be done with or without half a handle bar.

         I started out on the Anderson's lane just northeast of their home. It was a shaky and  wobbly start. The next thing I knew I was headed straight down this steep grade off the drive-way.

         The first thing I ran into was an old hay baler, and then after bouncing off  that careened into a pile off old chunks of concrete. If that wasn't enough and should have done me in I went straight into a barb-wire fence and got tangled up and cut open a two inch gash on my upper left arm.  That scare stayed with me for many years. It's a wonder kids live to a ripe old age!

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