Wednesday, February 7, 2018


        I would almost bet the farm if I could take a poll to find out how many people really understand all the latest political buzz about the "Memo's." The Pundits talk like the public really wants and deserves to see all these documents in the name of transparency.

       To be honest, the only ones who really want to see this stuff are the Commentators on the likes of CNN, MSNBC, and FOX. These Political Types love to get in front of the camera and spew their slanted views and they talk so fast to get in as much as they can before they get cut off. And, most all use words or buzz phrases that most of us are unfamiliar with or have never heard. 

       They keep throwing out words like complicit, dossier, and redaction like everyone knows the meaning and at the same time making reference to unfamiliar names all the while talking 100 MPH! 

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