Saturday, February 3, 2018


            This morning I got a chuckle out of watching an interview on Fox News between the commentator and some legal scholar in the discussion of Russian Meddling and how we as "citizens" need to to keep a sharp eye out for Russian dis-information on the likes of Facebook. 

            I had to laugh at it all. Between all the  Conservative/Republican Views that pop up along with all the Progressive/Dem Views that are constantly trying to persuade me about some lame issue or another, who would or could really tell if the Russians were also mixing it up!

           Just with those three throwing a little "Mud" against the wall and a someone like me who just likes to poke fun at it all, you don't stand a chance. Hopefully, most of our county's citizenry don't spend any time on-line wasting their time on all that B.S. and will make intelligent decisions at election time!

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