Thursday, February 1, 2018


       Recently I read an obituary on someone I knew years ago socially and reminded me of a good story involving this person. His name was Greg Burt from Des Moines and was colorful and interesting at the time I knew him socially in the late 1970's and 1980's. 

        He was a late blooming bachelor and always said that when he married it would be to a wealthy lady. He did just that! Let's jump up to the around the Millenium( year 2000) and I was dating someone who had been directly invited to an annual summer party that the Burt's held in their home which was "South of Grand" (south of the Governor's Mansion) area in Des Moines and where my date also lived.

       First, since we had to park some distance away, a guy in a golf cart came and took us to the Burt home. Second, One of my impressions was a big Baskin- Robbins ice cream tent set up in the back yard. Third big impression was a huge cut glass bowl filled with caviar. I had never had it in my life up until then and didn't think it was all too bad.  a few of those little eggs kept slipping off my cracker though!

            The best, though, was that this farm boy from Laurel, Iowa knew more people there in attendance than my "Blue Blood" date who had lived around there for years. Wouldn't want to go to a stuffy party every day like it, but, it was an experience and a walk with the other half or ten percent! 

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