Friday, February 9, 2018


        When I started my residential cleaning service in Marshalltown in the mid 1990's one of my first jobs was a real challenge to say the least. I knew because of the condition of just the kitchen and bath, my time spent would go way beyond my original estimate. 

         But, just starting out, my thinking was do what ever it takes and just make a good impression even if I would not come out that well. For starters, the bathroom was a scene  that I will not go into detail. Next, the kitchen area was not any better. It was as if they had a "Pasta Sauce Fight" around and near the counter area and on the accompanying chairs. 

          I remember looking at the Toaster while cleaning the counter and how I would really get the tarnished look a real work over during the next visit with, hopefully, more time. When I talked to the owner later that afternoon for feed-back, her first remark was not how great the place looked, but, was---"Don't you clean Toasters!"

       I was, to say the least, a little stunned after the incredible mess I was introduced to that morning. My thought was always if I ever wrote a book about my "Cleaning Days" the title to my book would be-"Don't You Clean Toasters?"


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