Friday, February 2, 2018


         Surprise! Surprise! You thought I was going to say it was President Trump. No, I'm talking about, Dwight D. Eisenhower,  the 34th President of the United States.

     The year and date was October 29th, 1954. My youngest sister, Deborah, who was only a little girl (will not divulge her age)** and I was only 14 at the time and had sent the President a Happy Birthday card which I'm sure the idea was concocted by our mother.

       The Thank You card was  gold embossed at the top with-- 


Please accept my sincere 

                                        thanks for your kind birthday greeting. I                                                                                                              
                                         greatly appreciate your thought of me.

                                                 Dwight D. Eisenhower


       The signature was actually stamped. However, the envelope was  typewritten to "Dennis and Deborah Laverty Gilman, Iowa (zip codes were not used then) The return address simply said  "THE WHITE HOUSE."  It was stamped Washington D.C. 3:30 PM Oct. 29, 1954 The postage stamp was an actual oblong 3 cent stamp with a picture of the White House and lined above was 1800 Washington 1950 and lined below National Capital Sesquicentennial

***** As a footnote Eisenhower's actual birth date was October 14, 1890 and  Deborah and I received the Thank You on 10/29/1950. That is pretty good turn around time for the government. It also shows that in those days it was the right thing to send a Thank You--even the President. And, I'm almost positive my mother was no big donor either to deserve the Thank You. She was a registered Democrat her whole life.

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