Sunday, February 4, 2018


     I just heard somewhere that George Bernard Shaw the famous Irish Playwright and Critic was still writing into his 90's. Not that this 74 year old guy, that just enjoys writing humorous personal and family related stories, is making any comparison to the Irish Icon.

        First of all, I can only wish that I will still have my wits and half a mind to put down thoughts and observations that I do love so. Just to be able to write, express, think, poke fun, or just pass along worth while works of others for another 10 years, I should be so fortunate.

       But, I will hold out for a slight chance that the original story idea that lurks in the back of my mind will one day surface. One of my first stories that I wrote was about the basement in the farm home where I was raised. It hasn't popped yet but, hopefully that story will come to a full blown "Scary" thriller one day soon. I'm not even hoping for a lengthy book or movie--just a short nail biter like an old "Alfred Hitchcock" TV drama!  

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